Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Week 5: Media Hot and Cold

The new and interesting aspect of describing a media as hot or cold really intrigued me. Marshall McLuhan thoroughly explained what constitutes a hot of cold medium and this truly makes complete sense. Originally, I had never thought of the TV as a cold media that brings forward little context. It's interesting how McLuhan discusses media that is not directly related to art but more towards context and information. Radio, TV, movies, etc. are used internationally and this essay really opened up my understanding of those means of communication and information and how effective they can be in certain parts of the world or even in different cultures. America is heavily reliant on TV and movies to communicate an agenda, but a developing country could be just fine without the usage of TVs. This article, in my opinion, was very informative and educational in regards to how effective the means of communication can be in certain areas of the world.

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