Friday, February 19, 2016

Week 5: Marshall McLuhan ( Kierra M.)

A hot medium requires less participation from the user than the cold media; like a movie to television, one has all of the required information and the other has information that you have to find. "It is the grosser and participant forms of art that seem "hot," and the abstract and literary forms that seem "Cool"!"". Meaning that the abstract act requires you to think and to find the concept of the meaning behind it while a participating form allows you to already know what the purpose is; causing it to be hot. McLuhan compared the concept to other things, including the TV show Scandal which has a mixture of hot and cold media, by giving you suspenseful moments and having you already know what is about to happen. In conclusion, the difference between hot and cold media is the fact that hot media is something you already know and cold media is something that you have to figure out. This article was interesting to me because it gave a new wording on the terms hot and cold.

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