Monday, February 22, 2016

Hot and Cold media

Marshall Mcluhan brought forth a notion that I think we all realize, but do not want to accept.  He starts his argument by pointed out the differences between “hot and cold media”. A hot media according to his article is the “state of being filled with data”, like a photograph.  Cold mediums are defined as something that has little information in it, like a cartoon. In the past. Electric technology brought feelings of anxiety, it was unknown. Now it creates a sense of boredom. It seems as if we live in an age where society delights in filling in someone’s personality, like Calvin Coolidge (31). We are like mere cartoons with no content, until someone comes along and complete our personalities for us. America has created a dependency on cool media with no real content, in turn we have created for ourselves an era of cool or low literacy. This article forced me to open my eyes, and see what our nation has become. It is important that we loosen our dependency on cool means of communication.

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