Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Understanding Metamedia

The concept of the "Software Takes Command" was very interesting and it gave myself, the reader so many things to consider. Metamedia is easily relatable to metaphysics in an art sense. Once you understand how something works wholistically, much like a computer, you can relate that to several things around us. Art through digital mediums has and will further explain that concept in a more broader form as the future progresses. Art whether it be the visual or audio teaches humanity. Understanding that all things work a certain way for a specific way is a great realization because that only leaves one to suggest that the ideal of aesthetics (art) will soon one day be understood and human's can empathize with each other through the education of the arts. I am a firm believer that the art's can and will educate humanity on how to love one another and survive as a civilization. After growing up as an obsessive video-game nerd for so long, metamedia/metaphysics begins to become more of a easier concept to wrap my mind around because I've been in a computer generated world bending the rules all along just to reach an objective. Now that that power to bend the rules in the digital realm exist today with programs & technology are more prominent, I'm more than excited to do some "rule-breaking" in the Computers Applications in Art course.

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