Tuesday, January 26, 2016


The development of metamedia and working out of "meatspace" is a relatively new yet already very helpful addition to my art and art in general for mainly two reasons. One reason is financially. It's a lot easier to create digital paintings and sell prints rather than buying materials and creating a new piece every time. This makes art more readily available to the public and circulated faster. I am of there personal belief that the more art there is the better. While i don't consider drawings and paintings antiquated or obsolete, it's reasonable to say that digital media has made art accessible to someone who doesn't have a lot of money. Another reason is  the truly limitless opportunities created with digital media. I didn't even know that new media was a real art style let alone a degree. (I was really artistically ignorant before college, I blame my high school) There were combinations of visual and audio art that i couldn't even imagine. I went to the Aurora light show in Dallas a couple months ago and i saw a great example. It was a projection of a woman on strands of pink fabric dancing while a track of her singing that has been altered to a lower pitch played. It blew my mind to find out that this piece came from UNT. I changed my major from Drawing and Painting to New Media shortly after.I'm honestly grateful to whatever cosmic art god allowed for the development of a media beyond the tangible.

week 1

As the electronic devices improve over the years, the media grow, too. It change into different things and goes different path in the media. New function were add to programs and software like in Photoshop.The function cut, copy, and paste it is use in digital media. And media change from only use paper, paint, ink, and more to using computer software to create it.

Blog Post #1

The article by Lev Manovich was a bit long winded. Some of the terms that were used required some further study. However, some of the metaphysical displayed data that was spoke about was really interesting to read. I had this Cyberdyne feel when i was reading simply because this article puts technology in a more real life perspective and to read how fast technology has grown is both exciting and frightening. On a lighter note, data being represented as a medium in a more "artistic sense" is a new form of creativity for me. You can now have a digitization of most aspects of art without leaving your desktop, which I find to be fascinating.

Understanding Metamedia

From what I understood from this reading, performing a simple command in software are actually far more complex. Commands such as "cut and paste" and "search" are examples of simple yet complex functions. As technologies rapidly advance and become more capable of performing various tasks, technology becomes a medium for consumption. I connected this reading to computer applications in art by the easy usage of the "cut and paste" function across the numerous types of media creating software. Content creators can sample others' work or their in work. We live in a time were we remix; remixing not only exists just in music, but in just about all kinds of media.

Manovich Reading-Michelle Greene's response

    Although a lot of the terminology went over my head, I think the evolution of technology described in this article is fascinating. The subdivisions of techniques as reenactments of physical processes and new software techniques that work with digital data in general better explains how advanced yet still very young the technological field is. I especial appreciated the moments where Manovich referenced simply understood processes such as the cut and paste. 

Understanding Metamedia

The concept of the "Software Takes Command" was very interesting and it gave myself, the reader so many things to consider. Metamedia is easily relatable to metaphysics in an art sense. Once you understand how something works wholistically, much like a computer, you can relate that to several things around us. Art through digital mediums has and will further explain that concept in a more broader form as the future progresses. Art whether it be the visual or audio teaches humanity. Understanding that all things work a certain way for a specific way is a great realization because that only leaves one to suggest that the ideal of aesthetics (art) will soon one day be understood and human's can empathize with each other through the education of the arts. I am a firm believer that the art's can and will educate humanity on how to love one another and survive as a civilization. After growing up as an obsessive video-game nerd for so long, metamedia/metaphysics begins to become more of a easier concept to wrap my mind around because I've been in a computer generated world bending the rules all along just to reach an objective. Now that that power to bend the rules in the digital realm exist today with programs & technology are more prominent, I'm more than excited to do some "rule-breaking" in the Computers Applications in Art course.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Unerstanding Metamedia

The improvement of technology reflects our need as humans evolve. We strive for the creation of a better life. This may be the underlying reason to improve communication, and in this case information. The evolution of computer software and programs evolved at a rapid pace to meet our demand for a more efficient life. Manovich points out the inventions of IPhones and tablets and their easy access to shopping, books, and music. However this evolution led way to a formally nonexistent form of media or new media. A new way of expressing ones self.  There is the question of whether this “stimulated media” is more convenient than traditional ways of making art. In my opinion this “new media” is beneficial and needs to be appreciated.

Understanding Metamedia

Before this article I never really thought about the fact that some many common image manipulations only existed after computers and then editing softwares were invented. When I edit images on my phone I can sharpen or blur them which, as far as I know, wasn't possible to do with physical photos before. Perhaps if I grew up without computer software like my parents I would have a greater appreciation for the ability and creativity data manipulation allows us to have in art. For me, metamedia isn't something I consider to be new because it's something I've encountered my entire life when using a computer. As a kid I would edit images on Photobucket and would teach myself how to use basic http back when I played on Neopets (so I wasn't completely wasting my time raising fake pets considering I still remember how to insert a link or image on a webpage). In the context of the art history of humans, computers being a medium and data manipulation as a tool is a very recent addition to the world of art. I believe data manipulation has years to grow into a mainstream way to create fine art just like drawing and painting is thought of today and only will become that way as current and future generations are surrounded by digital media.

A New Way To Look At Things

       Technology is vastly increasing in ways no one ever thought in all sorts of way especially in creative media. It creates a new source of things to help benefit the other in the art world to make what seems to have been done before, fresh and new. As time goes on artistic media in the computer world will one day probably almost replace the paint brush and be all digital because that is what computers are already doing. This article goes in depth into the power of computers in the media world and what programs it has to accomplish that. It gave me a better interest on these programs and especially on how coding can be done in a creative matter.

Understanding Metamedia

Growing up in the digital age, surrounded by all different types of technology, we sometimes forget how it all really works. We learn how to use different types of technology, but sometimes forget how it came to be. We only see what is right in front of us and not always what goes on behind the scenes of it all. Technology is always evolving and we are always trying to keep up with it and educate ourselves when the newest thing comes out. There are all types of media platforms that can do similar things. Lev Manovich mentioned visualizing patterns as one of these things that many types of media can have in common but are visualized in different ways and displayed differently on many platforms. There are all types of technology that appeal to different people. We may use it the same way or in a particular way, but we are all learning. Technology challenges you to learn what is new, but always has you wanting to learn more.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Understanding Metamedia

The evolution of computers has been extravagant. In such a minimal amount of time, software and technology has completely evolved, to be quicker and faster and more efficient. All of the new innovations opened up an entire new media: computers. Most people don't think of computer software as a media, instead the thought of paint, charcoal, pencil, or pastels normally pops into mind. As a previous student graphic artist, I really enjoyed this article, as there is in-depth information on softwares like Photoshop and Adobe products as well as numerical systems like coding. It's incredible how much technology has evolved, and at this rate, I feel like metamedia will be even more known and used. Also, my efficiency in softwares has led me to appreciate how convenient computer as a media is. It is so powerful, yet I feel some don't acknowledge its worth in society.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Understanding Metamedia

The evolution of computers and electronic media functions is incredibly complex. I appreciate the fact that there are many functions based on prior, purely physical functions that already existed. Although digital media has been around for decades, it is still fairly new, and it is much less intimidating for someone that isn't tech savy to be able to relate a new digital function back to an everyday physical function, such as cut, copy, and paste. As the reading stated, the distinction between functions specific to its media and functions that can be performed across many different media can be somewhat ambiguous. The inherent abstraction of digital media, I believe has also bled into the artwork produced by it. In contemporary times experimental art and music have surged immensely and I believe that is due to the rapid digitization of our world.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Week1-Lev Manovich (Kierra M.)

 In order to understand media we must know how it works and why it was created in the first place, that way we will have a deeper understanding of what is needed in order to make the program work with our needs, In the reading Manovich made a good point as in even if the sketch is not as good,  we have a chance to modify and change the sketch in order to make it better. Technology is always changing and improving causing us to have a continued knowledge and learning process on how to do certain things.

Juan Villagomez - Lev Manovich

For me, media has transformed from traditional forms, like drawing on a piece of paper to drawing with a tablet on the computer, and both methods are capable of generating the same job, however I find the difference is in the physical nature, or rather lack thereof. I contemplate this notion whenever I create a work of art through these mediums because I think about the existence of the piece. A drawing on a piece of paper is real while the computer version is not unless it’s printed because there’s a sense of validity with having a physical copy. This raises questions like, what if it never gets printed, is the work just floating around as bits of data?
This article expresses how universal computers because they are a lot cheaper and easier to use. The computer has also become a key instrument in creating art. The best part about software is that it is always improving and allowing for new methods for people to create. It is interesting to see how the world has changed from an artist being someone how draws or paints, but now an artist is also someone how can work on a computer and create visual language in a medium that would be considered mechanical.

Re: Understanding Metamedia

The categorization of media into the 4 quadrants is a really clever way to distinguish different kinds of technology, and can be used to helpfully identify new technologies that we otherwise couldn't make sense of. I remember when the iPad first came out, the reaction of the general public was: "What is this thing? What does it do? Why do we need it? Is it a laptop or a phone, and how does it apply to my everyday life?" Instead of trying to emulate an existing medium (like the transition from a landline to an iPhone), it reinvented something completely new, which would fit it into the 2nd quadrant. I think if everyone had a general understand of this method of identifying technology, it would help resolve confusion when things like tablets, Apple Watches, or the very earliest computers surface in the technological atmosphere.

dat post - by jason dann

I think the cross computerization of medias is making the way people interact with technology -faster, and with it being faster, easier to access a worldwide web of information.
technology and software are improving so rapidly, due to easier abilities to create and program that as more people create the cool things..................

the importance of what the future could hold in store for us........

Monday, January 18, 2016

Welcome to Computer Applications in the Arts!

This blog is where we will discuss theoretical and historical readings assigned in class. Whenever the syllabus reads "Blog Post Due:", it means you are to create a new post here with your response. What I'm looking for in your responses is for you to show me how you're thinking about and integrating the reading. Don't tell me what it says, I already know. I want you to tell me, or show me, what it made you think about. This will be an aid to our conversation about the text in class. If you are having trouble thinking about what to make in your projects, these readings are meant to get you thinking about how other people have approached the subjects we will be covering. Please take these readings seriously! Looking forward to a great semester with all of you.